University of Gothenburg

Department of Conservation


Education and research at the Department of Conservation cover a wide range of questions about how we can identify and analyse the values of cultural heritage.

How do we preserve, restore, and develop objects, buildings, crafts, landscapes, and gardens? How do we value and prioritise our cultural heritage? These are some of the questions that the Department of Conservation explores in both our study programmes and in our research. We offer two unique international master’s programmes that cover the conservation of heritage objects and the issues of maintenance and reuse, contemporary developments, and different aspects of participatory heritage planning. Our research is based both in Gothenburg and Mariestad. The national centre for crafts, the Craft Laboratory, operates in Mariestad and works to document, safeguard and develop traditional craft skills.

Study here

Our study programmes deepens your knowledge about the multiple layers of meaning of cultural heritage and is focused on preserving, restoring, and developing objects, buildings, crafts, landscapes, and gardens.

Navigate to video: Master’s students working on a coat of arms object
Video (1:30)
Master’s students working on a coat of arms object

The Craft Laboratory

The Crafts Laboratory is a centre for crafts that is a part of the Department of Conservation. The aim of the Craft Laboratory is to document, safeguard and develop traditional craft skills in the fields of building crafts, cultural landscapes, and gardening crafts.